Monday, June 20, 2011


By C.C.

Wa Hoo! Today we went to Glenorchy. It was a very long trip and I was glad when we got there. When we got there I checked to see if I could sleep on the top bunk but I couldn’t because my cousin was. At Glenorchy we went on the swings behind the house. Only two people can fit and our cousins pushed us very, very, very, very high. We also went fishing too. We played golf and it was fun. After tea we went canoeing. Before we had our first sleep at Glenorchy we went where the boats go and the water was cold. We were allowed to bike anywhere we wanted and we did. When our holiday was over we got packed and we drove home. It was a long trip home.

Room 2's Museum

Friday, May 20, 2011

More Awesome Space Research

Are Aliens Real?

Researchers were – C.C.&A.M.

We found out …………….

Some people believe there maybe intelligent life forms like aliens on other planets or out in space. However there is not a lot of scientific proof around at the moment.

Some Scientist think there is life out in space. Scientists have found microscopic organisms on rocks brought back from out in space. They have been able to grow some of these in a laboratory. Some people believe they have seen alien spaceships in the sky, or heard aliens giving messages over the radio or some people even say they have seen them but there is no real proof.

In fact some people have pretended it has happened to get famous or to get money.

We got our information from ………………


Space-Ripley’s Believe It Or Not

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Our Fantastic Space Research

How are meteors and stars made?

Researchers are: N.W & J.G

We found out that …………

Meteors are called shooting stars but they are not stars. They are pieces of rock or iron. Shooting stars fall from space to Earth. As it falls it makes streaks of light in the sky. Some shooting stars are big and some are small. Some shooting stars fall out of the sky and land on Earth. When they land on Earth they are called a meteorite. Sometimes if they are big they make a big hole called a crater when they land on the Earth. Most of them burn up in space though.

Stars are made of gases and dust. Gravity makes the gases and dust join together. The gas heats up when they come together and when the gas gets really hot that’s when the new star is born.

We got our information from:

Our Solar System by Diana Noonan


Shooting Stars by Mervin & Gilda Berger

Stars by Martha E.H. Rustad

Why do we have night and day?

Researchers were – A.D. & J.E.

We found out ……..

The Earth rotates on its axis and at the same time it is also orbits the Sun. The Earth takes 24 hours to rotate once on its axis.

When our Earth is facing the Sun and the Sun is shining on the Earth it is daytime.

When that part of the Earth spins away from the Sun then they have night because the Sun’s light can’t get around there.

We got our information from ……..

Our Topic Book

Sky Changes by Linda Bruce

How many planets are there in space?

Researchers are: PJ, B.B. & I.P

We found out that …………

There are nine planets in our Solar System. Four of these planets Mars, Venus, Earth and Mercury are the inner planets and they are small and made of rock. The other four planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are the outer planets and called “The Gas Giants” and they are made of gas and ice. The last outer planet is called Pluto and it is a dwarf planet. A dwarf planet means that it is a very, very small planet and you can hardly se it. Some planets have a lot of moons around them.

In other galaxies there are probably other planets but they are too far away to be found by the scientists.

We got our information from:

I Wonder Why Stars Twinkle by Carole Scott

The Sun by Melvin and Gilda Berger

Why did they make space?

Researchers are – J.L. & C.E.

We found out ………….

Scientists think that our universe was made billions of years ago when out in space there was a big explosion and that made lots of dust, rock and gas go swirling around. Slowly gravity pulled all the dust, rock and gas together. The dust and gas in the middle became hot and thick and turned into a big star called “The Sun”.

Around the Sun the rocks, gas and dust kept swirling and gravity pulled it all together and made our planets. Gravity from the sun holds the planets in space.

We found our information in:

Gravity and the Solar System by Mary Draper

How do the planets and stars stay up in the sky?

Researchers were – M.J. & J.S.

We found out ……………..

Gravity is a force that pulls things together and holds them in place. We cannot see the force of gravity but it is happening all around us. Everything has gravity but some things have more gravity than others. Earth’s gravity holds things on Earth in place and gives them weight. In our Solar System the Sun is the biggest thing and because it is so big it’s force of gravity is really strong. So it is the Sun’s strong gravity that attracts the planets and keeps them up in space and holds our solar system together. Space is really big and our Solar System is a really tiny part of it. Some planets in our Solar System have a moon or moons around them and it is the force of gravity of the planet that they are going around that keeps them in orbit.

We found our information in ……

Gravity and the Solar System by Mary Draper.

Room 2's Awesome Space Research

Are aliens real?

Researchers were – C.C and A.M.

We found out …………….

Some people believe there maybe intelligent life forms like aliens on other planets or out in space. However there is not a lot of scientific proof around at the moment.

Some Scientist think there is life out in space. Scientists have found microscopic organisms on rocks brought back from out in space. They have been able to grow some of these in a laboratory. Some people believe they have seen alien spaceships in the sky, or heard aliens giving messages over the radio or some people even say they have seen them but there is no real proof.

In fact some people have pretended it has happened to get famous or to get money.

We got our information from ………………


Space-Ripley’s Believe It or Not

Thursday, February 10, 2011